The original Scooby-Doo cartoon series was created in 1969, and has since spawned numerous spinoffs and related material for decades. Even casual viewers are familiar with the four teenage protagonists, their groovy, green Mystery Machine and the undeniable charm of the franchise’s titular anthropomorphic Great Dane. Known for its comforting, formulaic style, Scooby-Doo has seen little variation in its over 50 years of existence. While one popular version of the iconic series quietly featured a queer Velma Dinkley, the upcoming Velma television series – starring and produced by the incomparable Mindy Kaling – will further diversify the core cast.
From a bevy of direct-to-DVD movies to theatrical releases and stunning fan-made media – some following the darker tone of popular The CW series, Riverdale – love for the archetypal franchise has anything but diminished. Actress, writer and producer Mindy Kaling is finally pulling the concept of an adult Scooby from the realms of Family Guy into a series all its own. Voicing the show’s titular Velma, she will also serve as an executive producer for the series, and has spoken out against the baffling amount of backlash regarding the character’s re-imagining as a South Asian crime solver.
While Kaling’s take on the character will be the first of South Asian descent, portrayals of a non-white Velma aren’t new. Notable Japanese-American actress and singer-songwriter, Hayley Kiyoko played the character in the 2009 live-action feature, Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins. And Kiyoko later reprised the role in its sequel, Scooby-Doo! The Curse of Monster Lake. In any case, a more adult version of the classic cartoon may be long overdue.
Even the most devout Scooby-Doo fans have grown tired of the stock standard “monster of the week” format wherein the “monster” in question is always a greedy, small-time criminal in a mask. While some may be put off by Velma‘s bloody imagery and darkly comedic nature, others feel it is high time that the lovable and goofy Scooby Gang stumble into an actual crime scene. This re-invention of the formula is sure to get more than a few laughs, and given Kaling’s comedic chops, the upcoming HBO Max series is sure to be a success.
During Warner Bros. Discovery’s upfront event, Kaling said of her role on Velma, “Getting to voice this iconic character in her first ever origin story is a dream come true, and not just because it requires literally zero time and hair and makeup.” Further, addressing the bigotry-inspired backlash, Kaling added, “No one’s imaginations ever had a problem with a talking dog solving mysteries. So a brown Velma is fine. I think we can all handle it. In any case, you won’t want to miss this, coming to HBO Max.”
While some claim the upcoming Velma project is unnecessary, and only adding to a tired trend of “adult-ified” kid’s media, others are intrigued by the show. After countless decades of men in masks and supernatural forces, the Scooby Gang may finally position themselves as serious Crime Scene Investigators. Love or hate this direction, it’s impossible to deny the intrigue that comes with it.