The Batman Made Barry Keoghan the Superhero Movie Crossover King

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When it comes to comic book movies, few actors could tout the title of crossover king. Ryan Reynolds comes to mind after Deadpool revamped his Green Lantern role, but honestly, Chris Evans is the person who truly held the crown. He appeared as the Fantastic Four’s Johnny Storm, Jensen in The Losers, Lucas in Scott Pilgrim, Curtis in Snowpiercer, and lastly, Casey Jones in the 2007 TMNT movie. Top that off with him being Steve Rogers/Captain America, and that’s a tough-to-beat résumé. However, courtesy of Matt Reeves’ The Batman, Evans has now been dethroned by Barry Keoghan after his debut as The Joker.

Keoghan has already taken the superhero film world by storm after appearing as Druig in Marvel’s Eternals. While he’s not a leader yet like Cap, Druig quickly shaped himself into a force to be reckoned with and someone Loki wished he could be. With his telepathy, Druig could control armies and even planets, getting them to bend the knee if he wanted peace, which easily made him one of Marvel Studios’ most powerful characters.

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Some fans even began arguing if Thanos, the Celestials, his master Arishem or other heavy-hitters out in the cosmos would be able to contain his mind-control. Given that he’s now out in space with his colleagues trying to break the cycle of his species being weaponized, fans will get those answers soon. What’s clear is that Druig is going to be a tour de force and someone very important in shaping the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

That heft has now been doubled, with Keoghan making a cameo in The Batman. He debuted as the Clown Prince of Crime in a cell in Arkham Asylum next to Paul Dano’s Riddler, suggesting they become friends to fix a corrupt Gotham City. Clearly, a terrorist team-up is looming that could shatter what Heath Ledger did as the clown and even Jack Nicholson. Keoghan’s filmography speaks for itself, and whether it’s indie or mainstream movies, he can cut a scary figure if placed in this kind of role. Per The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Dunkirk or The Green Knight, he’s got an intimidating, artistic presence, and now, he’ll get to flex with arguably the most iconic villain in all of comics and pop culture in general.

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The Batman‘s deleted scene also featured Keoghan’s Joker facing off against Robert Pattinson’s Dark Knight at the asylum in a Silence of the Lambs-esque moment. Delivering the expected auteur-like performance, hype has been building surrounding The Joker’s role in The Batman‘s now-confirmed sequel.

Ultimately, Evans’ Captain America is the one role that truly earns him the title of king, but now that Steve’s retired, he seems to be done. On the other hand, Keoghan is playing two mammoth roles for Marvel and DC — something Evans didn’t do. Given that one’s heroic and one’s a villain, this duality will also allow Keoghan to cut loose and show range unlike any other. And he’s only just getting started on this trip, which will define studio legacies in a big way and give him proper claim to the crown.

See how Keoghan is poised to become king after The Batman, now on HBO Max.

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